A Global Pandemic: The Jihadist Rape of Christian Women
by Raymond Ibrahim • May 10, 2023 at 5:00 am
The top five "pressure points" Christian women experience are: 1) sexual violence; 2) forced marriage; 3) physical violence; 4) incarceration or house arrest by male family members; and 5) psychological violence.
"Faith-based sexual violence is recorded as a risk for Christian women and girls in 86% [of the top 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted in general]. Sexual violence is consistently chosen time and time again to target Christian women and girls across the globe...." [Emphasis in original] — Open Doors, A Web of Forces: The 2023 Gender Report.
Of the top 20 nations where gender most shapes the experience of persecution for female Christians, 18 are either Muslim-majority or have a significant Muslim population.
Pakistan: " [I]t is becoming the norm to rape Christian children [some as young as three].... Many families never see their girls again, partly because the authorities rarely take meaningful action to bring perpetrators to justice.... There are also reports of Christian boys being subject to sexual abuse. Experts indicate that instances of rape and murder of young boys are on the rise in Pakistan..." — Open Doors, A Web of Forces: The 2023 Gender Report.
Saudi Arabia: "[R]ape and sexual assault are commonplace across Saudi Arabia for the thousands of non-Saudi (especially Asian and African) housemaids across the country who are Christian (or non-Islamic), a position in which they are commonly abused and virtually treated as slaves." — Open Doors, A Web of Forces: The 2023 Gender Report.
"House-maids working in the UAE often face sexual harassment or slave-like treatment." — Open Doors, A Web of Forces: The 2023 Gender Report.
Among other sad conclusions, these disturbing trends make one thing clear: the notorious sexual abuses that the Islamic State ("ISIS") committed against Christians, Yazidis, and other non-Muslim minorities—which the world heard of, but was also reassured had "nothing to do with Islam" — are, in fact, part and parcel of Muslim societies, rich or poor, whether African, Arab, or Asian.

The global targeting of Christian women for rape and sexual violence, according to a new study, appears to be at an all-time high, especially in the Muslim world.
Open Doors, a human rights organization that tracks the global persecution of Christians, recently published reports examining the role of gender. One of these, "A Web of Forces: The 2023 Gender Report," ranks nations based on the category of "gender-specific religious persecution" and shows how a victim's gender shapes their respective persecution. According to the report: