Friend --

May 8, 1945 (May 9 in Russia) was the day that the allied powers celebrated the defeat of Nazism in Europe. This year, over 1 million Russians gathered in the great Red Square to celebrate the defeat of Hitler, but all was quiet on the western front.? I consider this a great betrayal of history which Americans need to know.? Many of you have parents or grandparents who enlisted after Pearl Harbor was bombed to defend the principle of freedom from a fascist menace that had been unleashed in Europe and in Asia. About 400,000 Americans gave their lives in that war. Over 27 million lives were lost by the Soviet Union -- one in six people died.? Did we mean it when we said, "Never Again?"? At the moment it doesn't look that way.? Please take a moment to remember those who sacrificed to defeat fascism and think about what you can do to liberate our republic from those who would have us forget this history in order to make us repeat it.?

Below are photos from the 2017 and 2019 Immortal Regiment March which was held in NYC each year, starting in 2015 to remember those who fought.? You will see hundreds of people holding placards with the photo of their relative who fought fascism in WWII.? At the bottom, please see the link to a tough paper written by WWII Veteran Lyndon LaRouche on VE Day, 2014.? It is quite relevant for today.

World War II Veterans on May 6, 2017. Bill Monroe, (far left), who passed away in 2019, was at Normandy where he met Charles DeGaulle, Al Korby (3rd from left) was in the Pacific and just passed away this year. Far right is Russian veteran Nikolai Zaitzev, a dear friend.? The others all served, but I don't know their names.


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