My parents taught me that when you do something, you take responsibility for your actions — good or bad. It’s a lesson I’ve tried to pass on to my own children.


My parents taught me that when you do something, you take responsibility for your actions — good or bad. It’s a lesson I’ve tried to pass on to my own children.

But my opponent Lauren Boebert seems to have a slightly different philosophy: When you vote against something, take credit anyway and hope no one notices…

Like the $5 million grant that was just awarded to the Pueblo Community Health Center in our district. Lauren Boebert sent out a press release celebrating the funding… But Boebert actually voted against the bill.

A few weeks earlier? Lauren Boebert sent out another press release claiming that “she secured $229.26 million for water conservation… and an additional $50 million for rural water projects that will help combat western drought.”

Just one problem: Boebert voted against those too.

Lauren Boebert sent out a newsletter highlighting “nine Boebert wins for Colorado.”

And yes, you guessed it: Lauren Boebert voted against all nine of Boebert’s nine “wins.”

You couldn’t make this up. Does Boebert really not realize that they keep a record of who votes for – and against – each bill?

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Lauren Boebert never votes with the interests of Western and Southern Colorado in mind. Lauren Boebert only cares about conspiracy theories, her corporate PAC donors, and herself.

As I traveled over 24,000 miles across the district meeting voters last year, it was the number one reason Republican and Independent voters told me they were supporting me instead of Boebert: She doesn’t work for them. It’s why we came just 546 votes short of defeating her in 2022, despite it being a heavily Republican-favored district.

Now, I’m running again in 2024 to finish the job and defeat Lauren Boebert, but I need your help now if I’m going to be able to go up against all of Boebert’s Super PAC millions and win.

Ours was the closest race in the country in 2022. It could be even closer in 2024. Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now to my campaign – every dollar you can afford before my next fundraising deadline – to help me finally defeat Lauren Boebert?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

When I’m voting in Congress, there will only ever be one thing on my mind: The people of Colorado’s 3rd congressional district – regardless of party affiliation and whether or not they voted for me.

And you won’t ever find me taking credit for things I voted against.

Thank you for being on this journey with me.

With gratitude -