Election officials sure are shady folks. Most go unnoticed unless they REALLY screw up, and this week, I confronted an entire conference full of some of our nation’s most notorious election official and radical leftists who were meeting in secrecy to discuss the 2024 elections.
Dear Friend,

Election officials sure are shady folks. Most go unnoticed unless they REALLY screw up, and this week, I confronted an entire conference full of some of our nation’s most notorious election officials and radical leftists who were meeting in secrecy to discuss the 2024 elections.

I have multiple videos of my numerous confrontations with election officials, and my first video came out last night. . . and it's BLOWING UP!

You can watch it here, and please don’t forget to support my investigative journalism and help cover the expenses of this investigation.

Now, I had to kick off this investigative video series by highlighting Bill Gates (not THAT Bill Gates, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all), who is a Maricopa County Election Official. Yes, that’s the same Maricopa County Supervisor who’s currently embroiled in litigation with Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake, who ran a Republican.

Gates is listed in her lawsuit, which is currently being reviewed by the Supreme Court of Arizona.

Why was Gates attending this secretive D.C. meeting regarding the 2024 election that was hosted by CEIR, a group with ties to George Soros, is funded by Mark Zuckerberg, and led by an extreme Leftist political operative named David Becker?

You’ll have to see what Gates says here.

Gates was just one of MANY election officials I confronted this week as they tried to dash in and out of the International Spy Museum in Washington D.C., which ironically served as the venue for this secret election summit.

I’ll be publishing more reports and videos about my confrontations with election officials, and which officials I spotted walking into the event very soon. But, in the meantime, the Internet is BLOWING UP about the video I just released.

Even Elon Musk has weighed in about my report. This morning he tweeted, “Strange that election officials from pivotal regions attended a far left conference when they’re supposed to be impartial”

Along with exclusively breaking the story which exposed this secret election summit, my team and I spent over a month preparing for this expose, and our travel expenses alone are more than we can afford right now. In order to gain access to these election officials, we had to book our hotel rooms in the same exact hotel they were staying at. And let's just say, it wasn't cheap!

 Will you chip in to help cover the costs of this investigation?


Laura Loomer

Please stay tuned, and as always, thank you so much for all that you do.

P.S. If you haven’t watched my latest video, please just click here, and don’t forget that I can’t do this without you, and I need and appreciate your ongoing financial support. Thanks again!

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