From SEEC PAC <>
Subject The latest anti-climate lie
Date May 9, 2023 8:02 PM
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Whales are currently dying at an alarming rate, predominantly because of fishing gear entanglement, vessel strikes, and climate change. There are currently fewer than 350 North Atlantic Right Whales left according to most recent counts.

You know what’s not to blame? Offshore wind. But that’s precisely the new line of attack fossil-fuel loving climate deniers are pushing.

We’ll fill you in, John. Speaker McCarthy and his climate-denying cohorts are hell-bent on stopping renewable energy projects in this Congress, specifically offshore wind.

Why? Because offshore wind turbines will be critical to hitting our climate targets and saving our planet from total destruction. It’s so critical, in fact, that President Biden has set a goal to install 30 gigawatts of offshore wind power generation before the next decade. And thanks to SEEC’s leadership in passing the Inflation Reduction Act, this ambitious goal is actually doable.

As you can imagine, this doesn’t make the GOP’s fossil-fuel industry buddies happy. So in a Hail Mary attempt to stop progress, they are launching misinformation campaigns, blaming wind turbines for the recent surge in whale deaths.

STOP THE LIES » [[link removed]]John, this is completely bogus. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) has said there is no evidence supporting the GOP’s claim. The real causes for increased whale deaths this year are boat strikes… and climate change. The reality is that reaching our climate goals by growing our offshore wind power will SAVE whales.

The GOP’s latest con is pulled straight from the grifter’s playbook. It deliberately attempts to pull at people’s heartstrings while dividing the environmentalist community.

John, SEEC members are fighting for an all-systems approach to the climate crisis to protect our wildlife while transitioning to sustainable energy solutions. Help us fight back against climate deniers with a donation today. [[link removed]]

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