From Sayu Bhojwani <>
Subject Only People Like Us Can Save Our Democracy
Date February 6, 2020 12:01 AM
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Last night was nauseating.

Trump's actions during the State of the Union prove what Rep. Veronica Escobar said in her rebuttal—that Trump and his administration are the biggest threats to our democracy.

For nearly two hours, Trump stood in the House of Representatives and turned what should have been a solemn occasion into a dystopian reality show—giving the Medal of Freedom to a unrepentant racist, spewing white nationalist propaganda, and lying about the horrific impact his cruel agenda has on our country.

The 2020 election will determine if we continue down this path of shame or if we create the opportunity to rebuild.

People like us have the power to stop Trump and his cronies in November by organizing, mobilizing, and turning out to vote. I won't lie, this won't be easy. But as leaders of the New American Majority, we have a responsibility to turn our anger into action and put an end to Trump's hate.

The good news? We've already gotten started. Here's how you can join NALAF and help:
- Check your voter registration status, register to vote, and commit to voting in the primary and general elections. Your vote is your voice—make sure it's heard! [[link removed]]
- Register for a training with our C3 affiliate, New American Leaders, and share details with your network. [[link removed]] The only way things will change is if #PeopleLikeUs run for office and change the conversation on campaigns. Help support and recruit the next generation of badass, inclusive leaders!
- Donate $25, $50, or $100 today so we can support more New American candidates and candidates of color in their elections this year. [[link removed]] Your contribution means we can invest in voter outreach campaigns, candidates who represent our communities, and stand up against big money influencers in key races.

If our democracy is saved, it will be because of the work of people like us. Thank you for stepping up today to donate [[link removed]] , organize, and commit to making your voice heard. We're proud to stand with you as leaders of the New American Majority and are with you in the fight.

Onwards to November,
Sayu Bhojwani
President and Founder
New American Leaders Action Fund

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