Hey John,
We're finally here! At last, the FDA is midway through a historic hearing on whether to bring birth control pills over-the-counter.
- What we're doing: Yesterday we led a rally in DC featuring our massive coalition of supporters, and today we have FIVE young people providing public testimony to the FDA! We could not be more proud of them. This is our youth activist trainings in action!
- What you can do: We've already submitted your 3,282 comments to the FDA (!!!), so today we would love if you could uplift messages about why young people need to #FreeThePill on all of your social media . We want to build public support for this move and let the FDA know that this is what the people want. Some recommendations on what to share are below.
The FDA's Advisory Committee votes tomorrow! That's not the end of this process, but it's a pretty major step - the FDA generally follows the advice of their Advisory Committee. We'll keep you updated live.
For a rundown of the hearing so far, Dr. Dan Grossman has been live-tweeting here. We strongly suggest you retweet as many of his tweets in this thread as you can.
If Twitter is your thing, here's couple more to retweet:
Instagram is also filled with #FreeThePill chatter. We love this carousel from so.informed, and encourage you to tap that paper airplane and put some of the best slides into your story!

Want one more for your nerdy friends? This post from the official #FreeThePill account explains the safety and effectiveness of the progestin-only birth control pills the FDA is considering.
Now, the FDA is showing some baseless skepticism. If you've seen any news coverage from today, you know the FDA is asking some odd questions. We LOVE this TikTok from Dr Jennifer Lincoln showing exactly how ridiculous their pushback is.

We'll be sharing it on our Instagram here soon if you want to share it to your stories. We are confident the science will speak for itself in the end, and we will win this fight!
Hope you can share some of this today!
Geoff Corey, Angela Maske, and the #FreeThePill Youth Council
Advocates for Youth