DMR will host a series of meetings on electronic reporting that will feature one-on-one training. Participants should bring their own laptop/smartphone/tablet as well as passwords needed to access emails, iCloud, or app downloads. Come anytime for assistance during the scheduled sessions listed below. Contact Marissa DeCosta at (207) 592-2746 with questions about the meetings. M A Y 2 5 T H, 1 2 P M - 5 P M J U N E 1 S T, 1 2 P M - 5 P M J U N E 8 T H, 1 2 P M - 5 P M J U N E 1 5 T H, 1 2 P M - 5 P M J U N E 2 2 N D, 1 2 P M - 4 :3 0 P M J U N E 2 9 T H, 1 2 P M - 5 P M Staff are also available from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday - Friday at the DMR Laboratory in West Boothbay Harbor. Please call ahead for on-on-one assistance with reporting or to speak with the Landings Program. (207) 633-9414. Please share this notice with anyone you feel could benefit from this training.