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Hello John!

We're thrilled to bring you some fascinating updates this May! First and foremost, we're excited to share the Generative AI at MozFest 2023 Report, which summarizes the insightful discussions that took place during our session at the Mozilla Festival 2023.

The session, organized by Creative Commons and the Movement for a Better Internet, aimed to engage the MozFest community in a conversation about the opportunities and risks of generative AI, and explore ways to address concerns. The report highlights the key thoughts and themes that emerged from these discussions, providing valuable insights into the potential of generative AI to shape a better internet for all.

Key takeaways from the MozFest 2023 Report include:

🌟 Enormous opportunities in generative AI: Enhancing human creativity, democratizing creative expression, and offering new insights to difficult problems.
⚠️ Concerns about generative AI: Rapid development, negative economic impacts, harmful or biased development, and intellectual property issues.
💡 Suggested solutions: Systemic changes, public investment in AI, policy and regulation, ethical development practices, and education about generative AI.

Keep scrolling for more exciting updates, including the latest from CC’s Generative AI series, an introduction to our new Journalist's Guide to Creative Commons, and more valuable resources.


The CC Team love_cc

 Better Sharing in the Age of AI

🤖 Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving rapidly, and CC is closely monitoring developments to address the complex issues that arise with these innovative tools.

🔍 Our focus is on the intersection of copyright law and generative AI. We're committed to promoting #BetterSharing and supporting innovation, while respecting human creators and fostering a better internet for all.


📝 Our AI blog series, featuring team members and guest contributors, explores AI-related concerns, from training data inputs to the implications of AI-generated outputs.

📚 Dive into the series to examine key questions, such as whether copyright should protect artistic style and if generative AI tools should be held responsible for potential user-created infringements.

CC Resources and Updates

Register for our June 2023 CC Certificate Cohort

🎓 Our next CC Certificate courses start 12 June! Register for the Certificate for Educators, Certificate for Academic Librarians, or the Certificate for Open Culture before tickets run out. Can't join a course — check out the CC Certificate resources


Sign up for the CC Open Culture Matters newsletter

💌 Stay in the loop with Open Culture Matters, the new bimonthly newsletter from the Creative Commons Open Culture Program. Get the latest news, feature stories, and updates on Open GLAM Collections, and share your own ideas. Sign up today!


Open Culture Platform Activity Fund Winners 2023

🌟 As part of the Open Culture Platform’s work this year, we accepted proposals and invited the community to vote on community funded activities.We are delighted to announce that six proposals have been successfully funded.
Stay up-to-date on our work by following @creativecommons or visiting the CC blog. You can also support our work by donating here!
👋 Other updates: 

Eye Candy 🍭

Every month, we change our social media headers to a new CC-licensed image. This year, we are spotlighting a different CC-licensed illustration from our #BetterSharing collection on our social media headers and the CC blog. For the month of May, we're excited to showcase “The Future Is Open” by Preeti Singh for Creative Commons & Fine Acts licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, inspired by a quote from Ebenezar Wikina, Founder of Policy Shapers.

🎨 Learn more about the illustration and the artist.

📥 Download the eye candy.

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CC BY 4.0

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