News from Rep. Chip Roy


Dear Mr. xxxxxx,

As I begin another busy week in Texas, I wanted to pass along my latest update on what I have been doing to fight for you, Texas’ 21st Congressional district, and our country as a whole:

Title 42 ends – what’s Biden’s game plan?
Border Patrol revealed more than 700,000 migrants are waiting in Mexico for Title 42 to expire this Thursday – this is more people than the population of El Paso. As I told Fox News, Biden has been trying to cover up the truth of this border crisis for over two years, but he can’t anymore. Biden is sending troops to our border, but even if he sent the whole military, it won’t stop this crisis unless we fix policy.



Since President Biden isn’t stepping up to address this growing border crisis, my colleagues and I will vote on the Secure the Border Act this week to force change. This bill is a giant step toward a secure border.  The Secure the Border Act would finish the wall and prohibit the DHS secretary from releasing migrants, among other things.You can read more about it here.

Biden’s spending lies
Last week, I joined my old friend, Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Brian Phillips, to discuss House Republicans’ Limit, Save, Grow Act that will slash Biden’s woke spending and re-empower the American people. The House has done its job by passing a bill to address Biden’s reckless spending spree. Yet, President Biden is refusing to negotiate with Republicans to responsibly address the debt ceiling. Instead, the White House is resorting to spreading lies about our plan.   



Why is he lying? Because he knows we’re winning. We’re going to keep holding his feet to the fire until he stops hiding from this issue and starts doing his job. 

Watch the full podcast here

Here are some other news stories about what I’ve been up to lately:
EXCLUSIVE: Chip Roy Introduces Bill To Crack Down On Non-Citizens Voting In US Elections
Republicans unleash effort making it easier to fire federal bureaucrats
‘A Taste Of Their Own Medicine’: Chip Roy Blasts Eric Adams Over Illegal Immigrant Crisis Of Democrats’ Own Making
Chip Roy DESTROYS Dem. For REFUSING to Help Child Abuse from Illegal Immigration
Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, responds to news that that the Texas shooting suspect responsible for killing five people had been deported five times
Rep. Chip Roy on the Erick Erickson Show, “The endgame is we passed our bill — now the ball’s in their court!”



Congressional Art Competition – deadline extension  
The deadline to submit artwork for the 2023 Congressional Art Competition has been extended to this coming Thursday, May 11th, 2023.

For more information on Art Competition rules and submissions visit here

If you have any concerns that my office can help out with, please don’t hesitate to call or email through the “email me” portal on my website. If you feel so inclined, you can also just send an old-fashioned letter to my Washington or district offices. 

If your friends, relatives, or neighbors would also like to sign up for these weekly updates, they can do so by sending my office a quick email or simply by signing up here. For more up-to-the-minute updates, you can follow my press team on Facebook and Twitter.


Chip Roy
Member of Congress

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