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Are the Marines losing coveted relevancy in China battle space?

By Jeff Groom on May 09, 2023 03:24 am

It turns out they made a play for a strategy based on the trends of the defense budget, not on operational reality.
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Five years after Trump’s JCPOA exit, Iran closer to bomb than ever

By Trita Parsi on May 08, 2023 11:06 am

With President Biden seemingly now disinterested in this issue, perhaps it's time for Tehran's Arab neighbors to take over negotiations.
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Can Australia’s new man in Washington diffuse US-China tensions?

By Ali Rizk on May 08, 2023 03:00 am

Canberra signals its intent to play peacemaker with former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as its ambassador.
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Applebaum & Goldberg: Truth attended by a bodyguard of lies

By Anatol Lieven on May 05, 2023 03:27 pm

In the Atlantic writers' latest attempt to frame the war as a global struggle between good and evil, they cut too many corners to ignore.
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Turkish election could spell end to Erdogan era

By Sibel Oktay on May 05, 2023 03:27 am

The powerful president has been looking uncharacteristically frail — physically and politically — days ahead of the May contest.
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Why China has been ghosting Biden

By Ethan Paul on May 04, 2023 03:00 am

With each passing day, the gap between each other's interpretation of 'consensus' on Taiwan grows more apparent and irreconcilable.
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‘Mission Accomplished’ was a massive fail — but it was just the beginning

By Connor Echols on May 04, 2023 03:00 am

Bush’s speech, 20 years ago this week, may seem foolish if not dangerous in hindsight, especially since US troops are still in Iraq today.
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De-dollarization: Not a matter of if, but when

By Frank Giustra on May 03, 2023 02:21 am

US hegemony is losing its grip, as friend and foe seek currency alternatives amid global sanctions and new Global South alliances.
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