Sam Goldman speaks with Brynn Tannehill, former naval aviator and author of
several books including American Fascism: How the GOP is Subverting
Democracy and her latest, My Child Told Me They’re Trans … What Do I Do?: A Q&A Guide by Parents of Thriving Trans Children.
A wave of legislation targeting trans people is sweeping the country. Read a roundup of some of these laws here (from HRC). Follow Brynn on Twitter at @BrynnTannehill and read her recent article for New Republic, “The End of Trans America Comes Into Focus."

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Brynn Tannehill
We have bans on health care for trans people in 16 or 17 states. It's probably going to finish up with somewhere between 20 to 25. By the time the year is over, we're gonna see bathroom bans, we're gonna see it become very, very difficult to get health care for trans adults. We're seeing laws being passed that don't recognize trans identities, which means you can no longer get a valid driver's license or change your birth certificate, or use a bathroom technically, because the state will not recognize your gender identity.
Sam Goldman
The implication that these anti-trans GOP policies would be illegitimate if only they didn't have majority support is deeply flawed, as history is full of examples of deeply unpopular, but powerful and entrenched minorities wielding power over oppressed and exploited majorities. We must recognize that this is a fight over essential and yes, inalienable human right. It is a power struggle, not a popularity contest, and it is time to get in the streets to get loud to refuse fascism.

Abortion rights activists in Los Angeles and Riverside CA are being
politically persecuted and criminally prosecuted for leading people to take to the
streets in days following the overturning of Roe V. Wade.
Please read, sign and spread this petition to stand with the defendants in these cases.
TO: LA City Attorney Hydee Soto on behalf of City Hall 4
TO: Riverside City Attorney Mike Hestrin on behalf of Riverside 6
Abortion rights activists in Los Angeles and Riverside are being politically persecuted and prosecuted for leading people to take to the streets in the days following the overturning of Roe V. Wade.
On July 30, 13 protesters rallied in front of the Riverside, CA Historic Courthouse, where messages were displayed in chalk and washable kid’s paint. They were detained with no explanation, then arrested. The now #Riverside6 (formally Riverside 8) are facing felony charges of vandalism, which carries a maximum penalty of imprisonment for up to 3 years and a fine up to $10,000.
The signers of this petition demand that the Riverside City Attorney, Mike Hestrin, halt this political persecution by DROPPING ALL CHARGES against the 6 abortion rights activists - the Riverside 6.
On July 6, 4 courageous women chained themselves to the steps of the Los Angeles City Hall and did an act of civil disobedience, calling out the overturning of Roe as Illegitimate. They were charged with riot or “failure to disperse.” At least one person is being arraigned this Tuesday, May 9.
The signers of this petition demand that the LA City Attorney, Hydee Soto, halt this political persecution by DROPPING ALL CHARGES against the 4 abortion rights activists - the City Hall 4.
>> Sign and spread this petition to stand with the defendants in these cases and get court updates.
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