Thousands of banks are underwater. Another Biden spectacular. Watch the Democrat media axis package this steaming pile of dung as a marvelous, transformative moment.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Half of America’s Banks Are Potentially Insolvent
Thousands of banks are underwater. Another Biden spectacular.

Watch the Democrat media axis package this steaming pile of dung as a marvelous, transformative moment.

RIDICULOUS Washington Post headline about #FTX

Sam Bankman Fried is ...

Biden Regime Cracks Down on Dishwashers as War on Appliances Continues
The destructive Democrats condemn industry, technology, the intellect, and want to return us to the state of grunting subanimals digging the soil with our bare hands.

Ayn Rand saw it all.Back in 1971, Rand wrote:

“The dinosaur and its ...

Disgraced CDC Rachel Director Walensky Resigns
Rats abandoning ship.

In Memory of Disgraced Former CDC Director Rochelle Walensky – Featuring Joe Biden:

"Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick"

— Gain of Fauci (@DschlopesIsBack) May ...

Devastating New Poll: Trump Clobbers Biden
If the election wasn't rigged, it's a landslide.

The Biden Administration has decimated our economy, our energy independence, our boarder, our deterrence, our military, and our credibility on the world stage. What rational American would vote ...

Trans Cleared of Flashing Penis At Women at Ohio YMCA After Judge Ruled She’s Too FAT for Genitals To Be Visible
2023 in a headline.


— The Redheaded libertarian (@TRHLofficial) May 7, 2023

Trans woman is cleared of flashing her penis at three women using Ohio YMCA after judge ruled she's too FAT for her ...

New Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Reject Transgender Ideology
The majority of Americans reject the idea that gender can be different from sex at birth.

One thing is clear, a very small, very powerful far left cabal is systematically destroying this country.

BREAKING: Three medical schools in North ...

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