Friend, if you were a wolf pup, here's how a typical day might look:

● You wake up after a long, restful sleep inside the cozy den that your family (your pack) has built to keep you sheltered from the dangers of the outside world until you and your litter mates are strong enough to fend for yourselves.

● Next, it's time to bond with your siblings! When you grow up, you will rely on each other for survival and find prey together. But for now, you leave that to the adults while you roll around with your brothers and sisters, learning to play and communicate.

● All of this playtime is exhausting! You're getting hungry… ahh, perfect timing! Mama wolf has just returned home with family dinner.

● After a fun day, it's time to crash. You gather round and nuzzle up to your siblings and pack members, sharing body heat to keep you warm.

But as you blissfully nod off to sleep, little do you know that despite being inside the comforts of your den, you are FAR from safe.

If your mama wolf goes out to locate more food, there's a likely chance that cruel trophy hunters will be waiting to BRUTALLY MURDER her, which would leave you and your orphaned siblings alone to die of starvation or hypothermia.

And at any given moment, even while you and your siblings are fast asleep, these same vicious hunters could blow up your den with DYNAMITE -- leaving behind nothing but shreds of carcasses and splashes of blood scattered throughout the forest floor.

Fortunately for you, Friend, you are not a wolf pup. But innocent wolf pups ARE suffering these tragic murders as you're reading this. However, you DO have the power and the voice to speak out against these atrocious wolf slayings. So the only question is: Will you take action today to help save helpless wolf pups?

If these stories upset you, that means that you care. Maybe it's because wolves are one of North America's most treasured native animals, or maybe you are just sensitive to all living creatures. But there are even more reasons that you should care about the fate of wolves too, Friend.

Wolves play an essential role in keeping our ecosystems healthy and are often regarded as "keystone species." They keep deer and elk populations in check, and the carcasses of their prey redistribute nutrients. This provides food for other wildlife and helps many other plant and animal species survive while often even altering the land itself and promoting balance overall.

But blood-thirsty hunters don't see these ecological benefits. Instead, they are willing to go to extreme and gruesome lengths to massacre these iconic animals for sport -- including torturing them with choking snares, leg traps, and recklessly running them over with snowmobiles!

Trophy hunters are rapidly wiping out the wolf population, and GOP lawmakers like Lauren Boebert are propping up the hunting lobby even further by proposing aggressive anti-wolf legislation. These beloved animals are running out of time, and they urgently need us on their side. But if we're going to persuade the Biden administration to act immediately to protect gray wolves, we need to demonstrate strong public support by getting 8,003 signatures by 11:59 P.M. Will you step up now and defend these precious animals before they're wiped out forever?

Thank you for defending voiceless wolves,
Friends of the Earth
