After our campaign out-raised Lauren Boebert (without one dime from corporate PACs!), she took to Twitter to beg for campaign donations with scare tactics and lies.


Did you see? Lauren Boebert is panicking on Twitter!

After our campaign out-raised Lauren Boebert (without one dime from corporate PACs!), she took to Twitter to beg for campaign donations with scare tactics and lies.

Unfortunately, our fundraising success – thanks to people like you – is sounding alarm bells among Boebert’s Washington allies. Corporate PACs and special interests are now going to dump millions and millions of dollars into Lauren Boebert’s campaign. And that doesn’t even include the Super PACs that are about to go on TV attacking Adam!

We absolutely can defeat Lauren Boebert. In 2022, Adam Frisch came just 546 votes shy in what was the closest race in the entire country. But if Adam is going to be able to counter the Super PAC lies and hold Boebert accountable, he’s counting on grassroots donors like you to give now.

We’ve got Boebert on the ropes, but we’re still short of our $250,000 fundraising goal with time running out until the deadline: Please will you chip in $5 or more right now – whatever you can afford – to help Adam Frisch finally send Lauren Boebert packing in 2024?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Our grassroots-powered campaign has Lauren Boebert running scared. And she should be! But we cannot stop or let up here.

Thank you for everything you do for Adam’s campaign,

Team Frisch