Given the horrific events that have plagued the state of Texas in recent days, GOC again is forced to remind the anti-gun hypocrites that blaming the good guys for a bad guy’s murderous rampage will get our fractured nation exactly NOWHERE. Their anti-2A hysteria is hollow and insincere, and their criticism of prayers for those who grieve is downright foul. Just stop. And in case you heard about a California Appeals Court upholding the state’s assault weapons ban, don’t despair. We are looking forward to this being overturned once the federal court steps in soon. On the good news front, GOC literally busted off the doors at our Sacramento Crab Feed last Friday – a great time was had by our sold-out crowd – tons of games, great raffles, a lively auction and a lot of guns but the best was just rubbing shoulders with members of the Second Amendment community. Our members are the most terrific folks out there – the very best of humanity! - In light of this week’s heartbreaking tragedies, GOC is taking this opportunity to reemphasize what we’ve said before to the Left: How Dare You Blame the Innocent. Check it out HERE.
CA Appeals Court Upholds State-Wide Assault Weapons Ban | Fox News This tortured ruling by the appellate court will be null and void once the federal court rules. LAPD: 23% Increase In Victims Shot Compared To 2019 | LAPD Online 12% increase in homicides. Libs solution: Release more felons, shrink police force! CA Gun Waiting Period Being Challenged In Federal Lawsuit | AmmoLand This looks promising! When CA Laws Go Too Far, The Courts Intervene | Dan Walters A great piece by Dan Walters that points out how CA goes too far in attacking the 2A. Make Mother’s Day a ‘Day of Repentance’ for Gun Violence? | The Truth About Guns Bad move: Leftist “Faith Leaders” are trying to hijack Mother's Day. Anti-Gun Dem Run Cities Have Highest Homicide Rate | The Truth About Guns Not surprising given the number of “progressive” prosecutors not doing their job. ‘Law and Order’ Gun Owners: There’s No ‘Good Gun Control’ | AmmoLand We should know this; give them an inch and they will take a mile. Americans Have Something to Say That Biden Won’t Like | NSSF Yep – no ban on so-called assault weapons. In Last 3 Years, IRS Dropped $10 Mil On Weapons, Ammo | Daily Wire Holy cow! Federal agencies are armed to the teeth, yet they want to disarm us. Dems Still Playing 'Gun Control' Games, Not Tackling Mental Health | Townhall Anti-gun Democrats would rather take your guns than solve gun violence. Gun Sales Surge in Anti-2A States Eyeing 'Radical Measures' | Breitbart Nobody sells guns quite like anti-gun Democrats. FBI: More People Beaten to Death with Fists, Feet, than Rifles | Breitbart Well, this doesn’t fit the Leftist narrative. Tickets for upcoming GOC fundraising events are selling out! Oroville Dinner, Friday June 16, 2023 Vacaville, TBD San Jose, TBD Go online at GOC or call 916-984-1400 TODAY to get yours! |