
When you get elected to Congress, you take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. At the beginning of this impeachment trial, Senators took an oath to be impartial jurors.

Today, Senate Republicans, except for one, voted to acquit the president—marking a dark day in our nation’s history and setting a new low for our country.

Today, Senate Republicans, except for one, betrayed their oath to the Constitution and its foundational idea that no one is above the law.

Their cowardly decision to end this trial without calling a single witness was a choice to put politics ahead of our country’s principles. History will always remember that this Congress impeached President Trump for abusing the office of the presidency and then covering it up. History will also remember that this Republican Senate failed to do its basic duty requested by the country and demanded by the Constitution.

At the very least, Americans deserved a fair and honest trial. Instead, Republicans gave us a partisan show trial that blatantly disregarded the facts and blocked key witness testimony.

Trump’s reprehensible conduct is precisely what the Founders sought to protect our democracy from when they framed the Constitution. His actions represent a clear and present danger to our democracy and national security—and it’s why the Founders gave Congress the power to impeach.

It is now up to us, the American people, to do all we can to remove President Trump from office this November.

It’s time to defend our democracy. And we’re going to have to do it at the ballot box.

