No images? Click here Dear John, One of the ways we work to build a thriving family farm-centered system of agriculture is through our annual grant program, which funds farming and rural service organizations. These on-the-ground partners are making a huge difference in facilitating farmer-led solutions to climate change. To highlight the exciting programs happening around the country, we’re rolling out a new Grantee Climate Spotlight series. Up first, we hear from Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) in South Deerfield, Massachusetts, about how they're working with farmers on innovations that build up the local food economy in a way that respects the environment. Good soil is hard to come by — it takes 500 years to build just one inch of topsoil naturally — meaning that for all intents and purposes, soil is a non-renewable resource that must be stewarded wisely. Healthy soil that’s full of organic matter has incredible capacity to take carbon out of the atmosphere and sequester it in the ground, making it one of the most potent solutions to climate change. In this FarmYard Stage panel, recorded at Farm Aid 2022 in Raleigh, NC, Farm Aid artist Charley Crockett joins farmers as they discuss methods that reduce chemical inputs and build soil. Congress has begun the work of crafting the next Farm Bill. This is our opportunity to support the Agriculture Resilience Act (ARA), a policy that lifts up the work sustainable farmers are doing to build soil health, sequester carbon, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and make their farms resilient to the changing climate. With enough support, this bill can become part of the Farm Bill. You can help, and it only takes a minute! Encourage your Congressional delegation to cosponsor the bill today. |