Prevention with Purpose: Promoting Shared Responsibility Using a Collective Impact Framework
Drug use on campus does not exist in isolation, and it is affected by a broad range of social influences including, but not limited to, exposure to trauma, history of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, mental health conditions, and availability of mental and physical health care. This intersection of multiple complex issues, plus the stigma that surrounds many of them, makes it difficult to have an impact when working on one issue at a time.
A collective impact approach allows sectors from across campus to come together to tackle these complex social issues from multiple angles while staying focused on their primary area of responsibility.
Prevention with Purpose
Access the Prevention with Purpose video series, strategic planning guide, and more supplemental resources by visiting the link below.
CampusDrugPrevention.gov?is a United States Government,?Drug?Enforcement Administration (DEA) website. The inclusion of a link on this website does not constitute an official endorsement, guarantee, or approval by DEA.