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Dear advocate,

As you stop and smell the flowers in the warming months, consider how these beauties came to be: someone before you planted a seed and nourished it! Similar to spring flowers, OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates has flourished for 50 years because passionate stewards like you support our social, political, and economic equality efforts.

Today, I invite you to plant a seed for the future well-being of our Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities by naming OCA in your estate plan. Planning a gift in your will costs nothing today and is forward-thinking, which can help ensure a brighter future for our communities over the next 50 years and beyond.

Plant my legacy today!

Our trusted partner, FreeWill, makes it easy for you to create your estate plan for free and include a planned gift of any amount, all in as little as 20 minutes. You can also use it to document your wishes before seeing an attorney, saving you time and money.

The future is rooted in the next generation, so Pass the Torch to them with a gift in your will today!


Thu Nguyen
Executive Director, OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates

P.S. Have any additional questions about our FreeWill partnership? Please contact Caroline Buaron at [email protected] to learn more.

OCA National Website
OCA National Center
Embracing the hopes and aspirations of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

900 19th St. NW, 6th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20006

Copyright © 2023 OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates, All rights reserved.

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