The number of children without critical social protection is increasing globally
Social protection is a universal human right and a precondition for a world free from poverty. It is also a vital foundation to help the world’s most vulnerable children fulfil their potential and increase their access to food, nutrition, education, and healthcare. Yet, the number of children without access to social protection is increasing year-on-year, leaving them at risk of poverty, hunger, and discrimination, according to a new report released by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNICEF. Read more.
News highlights and events
Global Childhoods: Critical perspectives promoting theoretical, empirical and policy understandings
The submission for abstracts and panels for the International Society for Child Indicators (ISCI) 2024 conference is now open. The conference will be held on 14 -16 February 2024 in Bhubaneswar, India. Find out more.
Call for Abstracts: The International Conference on Education Research for Development in Africa
The International Conference on Education Research for Development in Africa (a research partnership between The University of Cape Coast and The Centre for the Study of Global Development at The Open University, UK) calls for abstract submissions with the theme of “Repurposing the global development education agenda for Africa’s Future,” happening between 19 and 21 September 2023 in Cape Coast, Ghana. The deadline is 29 May 2023. Find out more.
Why unequal progress is leaving millions of children behind in Europe and Central Asia
In Europe and Central Asia, a staggering number of children continue to be left behind, experiencing poverty, discrimination, abuse, exploitation, and violence. Read more to learn 6 pressing facts for children’s rights in the region.
The global cost of poverty
By the Spanish Commission on Child Poverty
Spain’s “Global Cost of Poverty” looks at the cost of inaction and not addressing child poverty. It uses a similar approach to experimental studies that follow interventions on children till adulthood. By matching cohorts, they estimate the economic loss in adulthood due to child poverty. In the case of Spain, the cost would be around 5,130 Euros per person/year. Read more (in Spanish).
Why Haven't We Ended Poverty Yet?
By Statistics Canada / Government of Canada
What exactly would it look like to put an end to poverty? In this episode, Statistics Canada investigates why Canada’s poverty rate fell significantly in 2020 and what it would look like if it continued to trend downward all the way to zero. How would eradicating poverty impact people’s health, well-being, education, and general happiness? Listen to the podcast on the Statistics Canada website.
Can basic income rewrite the narrative about poverty?
By Poverty Unpacked
This Poverty Unpacked podcast episode explores the potential of regular cash transfers, the rationale of basic income, and how it can radically reform societies and the provision of welfare.
The Africa Children Summit - A space designed by children for children to be seen, heard, and engaged
By Arigatou International
In April, the inaugural Africa Children Summit held in Nairobi, Kenya, was a unique space designed for and by children to be “seen, heard, and engaged.” The summit brought together over 250 in-person participants from 9 countries (Mali, Kenya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe) and up to 700 virtual participants from countries across Africa and beyond. Arigatou International was one of the 23 partnering organizations for the Africa Children Summit and presented the SDGs Academy for Children as a safe space for children to participate in coming up with solutions to create a better world around them.
Social protection and climate
By Save the Children, UNICEF, World Vision International and others
Save the Children partnered with UNICEF and World Vision International, and others to host a social protection and climate session during the Humanitarian Partners Network Week. The session “ Child-focused social protection in the age of cash, conflicts, cities, and climate risks” focused on the most vulnerable children in urban settings, including fragile cities. The event highlighted the increasing and multidimensional levels of vulnerability, showcased new approaches for addressing the issues, and enhanced dialogue and collaboration between different thematic and sector networks.
Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors webinar – ‘Be an Expert: Universal Social Security Advocate
By Save the Children
David Tumwesigye, Save the Children’s Global Child Poverty Advocacy Manager, recently spoke about winning hearts and minds to advocate for universal social security. The webinar recording is available on YouTube.
Putting local communities at the center of public space making in informal settlements
By Global Alliance - Cities4Children
This blog post presents a project in Kibera, Nairobi, that addresses multidimensional child poverty and shows how supporting productive public spaces can build social, economic, and climate resilience. The Kounkuey Design Initiative (KDI) collaborates with local community groups to transform underutilized risk-prone spaces in Kibera into a resilient and productive network of public spaces benefitting all members of the community, including children and youth . Read more.
Designing and delivering government-led graduation programs for people in extreme poverty
BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Initiative has published a new publication on designing and delivering transformative Graduation programs through governments. This In Practice paper shares insights and learning from four non-governmental organizations on the potential to scale up government-led Graduation programs for people living in extreme poverty. Read more.
Child Poverty Reports
- Child poverty in Burundi: This report highlights monetary and multidimensional child poverty in Burundi, providing an SDG baseline as well as the child poverty targets for Burundi to reach by 2030 (Full Report in English and French, Synthesis Note in English and French, Policy Note on the measurement of SDG 1 in English and French)
- Child well-being in Georgia: This report presents the results of the Child Welfare Survey (CWS) conducted by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat), with support from UNICEF, in July-September 2022. Read more.
- Multidimensional Child Poverty in Rwanda (MODA) Report: This report is a follow-up to the 2018 study to measure Rwanda’s multidimensional poverty situation among children under 5 years. Read more.
- Multidimensional child poverty in Sri Lanka: Poverty has many faces, and the experience of deprivations during childhood, such as in nutrition and cognitive development, can last a lifetime. The Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) in Sri Lanka launched the national Multidimensional Poverty Index and child Multidimensional Poverty Index as official statistics to guide poverty reduction in Sri Lanka. Read more.
Addressing malnutrition and poverty
Malnutrition and poverty are inextricably linked. Malnutrition in early childhood is both a cause and a consequence of poverty, and poverty is both a cause and a consequence of malnutrition in early childhood. Therefore, solutions to reduce both malnutrition and poverty are best achieved when policies and programmes to reduce malnutrition work in tandem with those to reduce poverty. Read UNICEF’s Leveraging Nutrition and Social Protection Programming paper for more.
A Review of Forms of Coordination Between Cash Working Groups and Social Protection Systems in the Americas
By UNICEF and Save the Children
This report maps the initiatives and scope of coordination efforts to link humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) with social protection in each country in the Americas that has a cash working group (CWG) or maintains similar coordination spaces. Read more.
Learning outcomes amidst violent conflict and poverty in India
This paper investigates the relationship between violent conflict, poverty dynamics, and learning outcomes in India. Read more.
Strong, integrated health and social protection systems: essential for achieving children’s rights
By Save the Children
This new policy brief highlights evidence of how integrated social protection and social health approaches improve both access to health services and outcomes. Read more.
“We are the most affected”: Why children’s voices must be at the heart of the hunger crisis response
By Save the Children
Save the Children Hunger Advocacy Group launched new evidence on why children’s voices must be at the heart of the hunger crisis response. Read more.
Childhood statelessness and right of birth registration
By ATD Fourth World
The Human Rights Council (HRC) adopted its Resolution on birth registration and the right of everyone to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. This new HRC resolution is the result of a process of comprehensive drafting and consultations with States and non-governmental organizations, including Child Identity Protection (CHIP), where ATD Fourth World is a founding member, led by the Permanent Missions of Mexico and Türkiye. Read more on the new resolution and check out some resources on childhood statelessness.
Upcoming Report
By African Child Policy Forum
African Child Policy Forum is finalizing our biennial flagship report, The African Report on Child Wellbeing. The 2023 edition is dedicated to combating child poverty in Africa, tentatively scheduled to be launched in early July 2023.
Have ideas on what to include in future Child Poverty newsletter?
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The Global Coalition to End Child Poverty is a global initiative to raise awareness about children living in poverty across the world and support global and national action to alleviate it as outlined by SDG Goal 1: No Poverty. Our members work together as part of the Coalition, as well as individually, to achieve a world where all children grow up free from poverty, deprivation and exclusion.