August 1, 2019
SHARK and our partner, the Humane Farming Association (HFA) are releasing a letter we sent to the Monterey County (CA) Board of Supervisors regarding the widespread plague of illegal cockfighting that is going on right under their noses, with nothing being done about it.
It was almost a year ago when SHARK released our first video exposing suspected cockfighting properties in Monterey County. We followed that up with a second video from March of this year. The video our drones captured clearly showed roosters being kept en masse in terrible conditions, all of which violated local law.

From our video exposing cockfighting properties in CA
This past June, a Monterey County Civil Grand Jury released a damning report about the growing number of illegal rooster keeping operations in the county, despite an ordinance that made it illegal. The ordinance was meant to prevent cockfighting.
As our letter states, the Grand Jury found that there are, "an estimated one thousand known illegal rooster keeping operations housing thousands of roosters," which is outrageous. In SHARK's and HFA's opinion, as stated in our letter, "this situation may exist only in an environment of corruption."
We also state that we are prepared to launch an all-out campaign to identify illegal operations and make those addresses public. We also are demanding that the Supervisors enforce the law.
One of the cockfighting breeder properties SHARK has exposed
SHARK returned to Monterey to film even more properties in the past week, so we have the evidence to back up the commitment we made in our letter.
Please contact the Monterey County Board of Supervisors and demand they take action. Please be polite and respectful:
SHARK has taken on an extraordinary role in the battle against cockfighting, and our drones are capturing vitally important evidence. We have made multiple trips to California, as you've read about above, and exposed a property in our home state of Illinois.
• Next week, we are going to release a major expose on cockfighting that will surprise and shock you. Please watch for our email updates and post on our Facebook page.
Traveling to CA to film has been an expensive endeavor, but we undertook it because the animals are suffering and they need someone to stand up for them. If you find cockfighting as abhorrent as we do, then please make a generous donation to support our major efforts to combat it. We are very low on funds and we need your help now.

This is a rooster SHARK rescued. Tragically, untold thousands of his kind are being tortured and killed for the sick sport of cockfighting
Kindest Regards,
Steve Hindi and Your SHARK Team
SHARK is a frontline organization that goes where others do not, and we operate like no other animal protection organization in the world. Whether on land, water, or in the air, SHARK takes on issues others are afraid of, and documents and exposes animal abuse in a way others cannot, using camera-equipped drones, boats, super high-powered video cameras, body cameras, hi-pods that can raise cameras thirty feet in the air, and much more. Our small team of dedicated investigators travels across the US and beyond, confronting cruelty, cowardice and corruption, SHARK is the "Special Forces of Animal Protection."