Ssshh… Listen very carefully, Friend ... With springtime in full bloom, you should expect to hear the soft sound of
buzzing bees among the colorful flowers in your backyard garden or city park. But in recent years, that familiar sound is much less audible…
That’s because wild bee populations are rapidly DYING OUT. We’ve already lost 87% of the Rusty-Patched Bumblebee, 89% of the American Bumblebee, and 93% of the Western Bumblebee populations over the last two decades!
Now, 40% of all insect pollinators, including many bee species, are on the BRINK OF EXTINCTION. Bumblebees aren’t just beloved backyard staples but are critical pollinators
that are important for our food supply and ecosystems. But the EPA has FAILED to act -- instead, the agency allows Big Ag companies like Bayer-Monsanto to
continue to profit from these dangerous pesticides. Please don’t let corporate greed WIPE OUT our precious bees Friend. Demand action NOW! >>
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[[link removed]]Neonics are absolutely FATAL to bees and other pollinators that we rely on for 1 in 3 bites of food we eat. Plants take up neonics, from seed and root to flower and leaf, as well as the
pollen and nectar that bees feed on. These potent chemicals are even infiltrating our soil and groundwater.
That’s not only dangerous for essential pollinators like birds and bees, but
neonics are directly harmful to people too! Friends of the Earth tested foods from major U.S. grocers and found neonics in
73% of applesauce and 80% of spinach samples. In fact, neonics are among the
most commonly found pesticides in baby food. Neonics have been linked to serious
health problems, including birth defects of the heart and brain and hormone
For far too long, the EPA has looked the other way while Big Ag threatens
people, pollinators, and the planet with its toxic bee-killing pesticides. So we
need 4,031 more environmentalists like you by 11:59 P.M. TONIGHT to add public
pressure. Can we count on you to step up right now and urge the EPA to BAN
NEONICS before it’s too late?
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[[link removed]]Thanks for fighting to protect our pollinators and the planet!
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