Early support is critical in a competitive open seat race for Governor.


Bob Ferguson for Governor Exploratory Committee (D)

Hi, Bob here.

In the few days since I announced my Exploratory Campaign for Governor, I’ve heard from thousands of people across Washington who are joining our team and sharing their ideas about moving our state forward.

This race will not be easy. We often think of Washington as a "safe blue" state, but that isn’t historically true when there is an open seat for Governor.

In the last two campaigns for Governor when there was no incumbent, the average margin of victory was just 1.5%. And in the last campaign for Governor without an incumbent, the Republican Governors Association spent over $11 million. To be blunt, we expect them to spend even more in this race.

Early support is critical in a competitive open seat race for Governor. Unlike most politicians, I refuse contributions from large corporations. Consequently, I depend on the financial support of individuals like you. Will you make a donation today if you’re with me?

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In the coming weeks, I will assess whether I will have the resources needed to stand up to the dark money from the Republican Governors Association. Because if I decide to run and we don’t end up not having the resources to win, not only will a Republican take over the Governorship — I also will no longer be able to deliver for Washingtonians as Attorney General.

A gubernatorial campaign is A LOT of work and very expensive. That’s why I set a goal of reaching 5,000 individual donors and financial support from all 39 counties during this exploratory phase. Please chip in $10 right now to support our effort — every contribution made today will help build early momentum for our campaign.

Thank you,

Bob Ferguson