Read this. You won’t regret it.
Brandon Presley for Mississippi

John, Mississippi's critical Election Day is only six months away, and we're standing at a crossroads.

We can either stick to the same old script of corrupt politics, where special interests pull the strings, and our governor looks out for himself. Or, we can jerk the slack out of the chain and deliver much-needed change.

I am ready to make that change happen. But I need your support. Can I count on you to chip in just $6 to our six-month countdown to move Mississippi forward? >>>

Look, I jumped in this race because I know Mississippi is hurting right now. We’ve been lied to and abandoned by Tate Reeves ever since he got into office.

I am determined to change that.

Imagine a Mississippi with high-speed internet in every household, a booming economy, expanded Medicaid, and fully funded hospitals. No more corruption scandals on the evening news. And a leader who will always put you above special interests.

Here’s the good news: the polls show we can do it.

That’s right. The latest poll shows that we are within the margin of error with Reeves. That's how close we are to bringing real change to the Magnolia State.

So what do you say, John? $6 may not seem like enough to make an impact, but if everyone reading this email contributes, we’ll head into the final 6 months before Election Day with the firepower and resources we need to WIN >>>

Donate $6
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Let’s do this,

Brandon Presley

Brandon Presley


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