From Clinton Foundation <>
Subject ICYMI: Good Friday Agreement 25th Anniversary
Date May 7, 2023 2:02 PM
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Hello Friend,

In April, President Bill Clinton and Secretary Hillary Clinton traveled to Northern Ireland to mark the 25th Anniversary of the historic Good Friday Agreement. We’ve compiled some of the greatest videos, stories, and moments from the trip. Catch up on these highlights.

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ATTN: How to make a peace treaty. President Clinton reveals the amazing story behind the peaceful resolution to one of the longest conflicts in history.

On this day: April 10, 1998. Learn more about President Clinton’s involvement in the historic peace-making process in Northern Ireland.

Queen’s University Belfast “Agreement 25.” Catch on demand sessions from their historic conference marking the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement.
A message to young people in Derry. In his speech to a packed Guildhall Square in Derry, President Clinton encouraged students to "believe that the future can be better than the past."


President Clinton in the Washington Post. His latest op-ed reflects upon the road to peace in Northern Ireland – and why the Good Friday Agreement still serves as a model for strengthening democracy and global prosperity, 25 years later.

President Clinton and Secretary Clinton on MSNBC. The primetime special with Joe Scarborough also included interviews with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, former Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams, and Irish Taoiseach Bertie Ahern.

CNN Exclusive with Christiane Amanpour. In this CNN special, Amanpour sits down with the leading architects of the Good Friday Agreement that ended decades of violence in Northern Ireland.

Irish Post covers a New Scholarship at Queens University Belfast. The Clinton Scholarship Fund has been launched to help support U.S. study opportunities for economically or socially disadvantaged local Queen’s students.


On Assignment with Angel Ureña. President Clinton’s spokeperson took us behind-the-scenes in Belfast and Derry.

A 25-year reunion. During the trip, President Clinton ran into someone he met 25 years ago. Thanks for saying hello, sharing your story, and helping us celebrate peace, Michelle!

Sláinte! After a historic trip to Derry, President Clinton stopped by the Guildhall Taphouse for a pint and cheers to an unforgettable trip.

Learn more about their visit and the anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement.

If you like what we’re sharing – or don’t like – or even have suggestions for stories, hit “reply” and drop us a line.

- Clinton Foundation team


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