In the distance across the deep Pacific Northwest waters, a majestic creature
swims peacefully among the current, searching for food. She’s a pregnant
Southern Resident orca who must consume 300 pounds of fish DAILY to keep herself and her unborn calf properly nourished!
Sadly, 69% of these pregnant whales lose their babies before birth , so if she doesn’t find food soon, her precious calf might not survive... But where has all the Chinook salmon gone, Friend?
A likely answer could be that the increase in commercial overfishing and bycatch
has led to a dramatic loss of this essential food source for orcas. This lack of
Chinook salmon can cause starvation, stress, and miscarriage at a time when these ENDANGERED orcas need all of the help they can get to replenish their fragile population.
If we don’t take action to restore the Chinook salmon population immediately,
these vulnerable orcas could go EXTINCT within the next few decades. Will you
step up and DEMAND an END to profit-driven overfishing that’s taking this
critical food source away from desperate orcas?
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[[link removed]]After the tragic deaths of Cappuccino, Marina, and Ripple, there are now only 73 Southern Resident orcas remaining , and the population is at its LOWEST since the 1970’s.
These treasured sea mammals are already up against threats like climate change,
ocean acidification, and increased pollution. Now, the Pacific Northwest has lost 159 Chinook salmon populations ( almost half of the historic salmon runs! ) -- leaving these iconic whales MALNOURISHED and STARVING TO DEATH.
But while these precious sea animals are suffering and clinging to life, greedy fishing companies continue profiting because U.S. government wildlife
officials have FAILED to rein in their corporate greed. Time is running out to demand action from the National Marine Fisheries Service , so we’re counting on 6,102 more activists like you to step up and speak out TODAY:
Please, don’t let these beloved whales be wiped out by corporate greed,
Friend. Add your name NOW to help SAVE the last of these
endangered orcas before it’s too late! >>
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[[link removed]]Thanks for taking action. These orcas are counting on us.
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