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The crisis at our Southern Border is once again coming to a head. With Title 42 set to expire May 11th, we are already seeing a surge of illegal immigration. Last weekend alone, there were over 22,000 apprehensions at the Southern Border. This doesn't include "gotaways" -- those who were able to escape apprehension.

Unsurprisingly, the Biden Administration had no real plan to address the surge of illegal immigration that those on the ground warned about. While the Biden Administration continues to turn a blind eye to this self-made crisis, House Republicans have a plan to improve border security. Our Border Reinforcement Act will ensure we finally start rebuilding the border wall and equip our Border Patrol agents with modern technology to help with detection. It will also bolster border staffing and address retention issues and support local law enforcement in border states who are overwhelmed. Additionally, it will curtail the misuse of the CBP One app that has been abused by the Biden Administration to incentivize illegal immigration.

As long as the Administration refuses to take action, more dangerous people and drugs will come into our communities and pose a serious public safety threat in Iowa. Securing our border is mission critical, and I'll continue presenting border security solutions that will support law enforcement and help keep all Americans safe.


Flooding Impacts

There was severe flooding along the Mississippi River this week. I met with local officials in Marquette, McGregor, and Guttenberg to survey damage and hear about mitigation efforts. I am proud of how our communities prepared and came together. Iowans are strong and resilient!


I joined local officials to survey flood damage in Marquette. Their emergency planning and collaborative preparation efforts made all the difference in protecting homes and businesses from flood waters.


I toured flood damage in McGregor and saw the difference flood mitigation tactics made even when the river crested. Downtown is open and small businesses need your support now more than ever! If you can, please make sure to support a local small business in McGregor throughout this recovery.


I met with city officials in Guttenberg to hear about their collaborative effort to mitigate flooding and discussed the disruption this may cause to tourism. Officials are already planning ahead for future flood events – I’m so impressed by their preparedness and will continue to stay in touch as the waters recede. 

National Small Business Week

This week is National Small Business Week! Our Iowa Main Street businesses are the backbone of our economy and the heartbeat of our communities. I’ll continue supporting policies that help our Main Street job creators thrive! Make sure to stop by your favorite local restaurant or store and show them your support!

Celebrating Summertime Sale of E15

The Biden Administration finally granted the Iowa delegation's request to allow the sale of E15 this summer! Though delayed, this is great news. It will save families money at the pump and bolster our energy security while supporting our Iowa economy. I applaud the Administration for taking this necessary step and will continue pushing for E15 to be sold year-round permanently so that our hardworking farmers and producers have certainty.

Holding China Accountable

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is using technology as a weapon against Americans. I joined Fox News to discuss how the Select Committee on the CCP is working to ensure the US has a plan to remain on the cutting edge of next generation technologies like AI and the need to hold the CCP accountable for operating a secret police station on US soil. Watch the full clip here.

Best Place to Live, Work, and Raise a Family

It’s not heaven, it’s Iowa! Thanks to Governor Reynolds implementing fiscally conservative policies, cutting taxes, and getting government out of the way, our state continues to thrive. I am so proud to call Iowa home and to raise my family in the state that has given me so much. I'll continue fighting to keep Iowa the best place to live, work, and raise a family.

Community Highlights

My team attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for Twenty40 Building Concepts in Marion this week!

My team attended the Cedar Rapids State of the City address presented by Mayor Tiffany O'Donnell. I am grateful we have strong local leaders!

Headline Highlights

Fox Business: Biden is quietly attacking rural America: Rep. Ashley Hinson

Radio Iowa: Iowans happy with E-15 waiver for summer use

The Gazette: Iowa officials praise E15 summer waiver

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