There is incredible polling in Adam Frisch’s race against Lauren Boebert.


There is incredible new polling in Adam Frisch’s race against Lauren Boebert.

FIRST: In 2022, Adam Frisch lost by just 546 votes to Lauren Boebert. It was the closest race in the entire country!

THEN: Adam announced that he is running against Boebert again in 2024, and he out-raised her in the first quarter with help from grassroots donors like you – giving us our best hope ever to defeat Lauren Boebert.

AND NOW: The first poll of the 2024 campaign shows that Adam Frisch is TIED with Lauren Boebert!

We’re facing our next critical fundraising deadline, and we cannot afford to fall short of our $100,000 goal if Adam is going to defeat Boebert. Her Super PACs are about to start attacking Adam with everything they’ve got – especially after this new poll.

Right now, we’re still $22,146 away from our goal and what we need to win, and we’re counting on grassroots donors like you to give now if Adam Frisch is going to finally kick Lauren Boebert out of Congress.

This was the closest race in the country in 2022. Please, can we count on you to chip in $5, $25, or whatever you can afford now to help Adam Frisch defeat Lauren Boebert? Adam’s not taking corporate PAC money, so every dollar you can give before our fundraising deadline goes a long way.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Adam is building a truly grassroots-powered campaign. It’s the only way we’ll be able to take on all of Boebert’s Super PAC money and win.

We’re so thankful for everything you do,

Team Frisch