We know you’ve heard from us a lot recently, but this is crucial.

– House Republicans just held a secret, closed-door meeting and admitted 19 REPUBLICAN SEATS are in danger of falling to Democrats.

– Then, they panicked -- and a dark money group unleashed MILLIONS on attack ads to defend their ranks and CRUSH our chances of winning.

– Now, the latest polls are revealing that their attacks are working: They just took the lead by THREE points!!

We need you to understand what this means:

If Democrats don’t spring into action and fight these attack ads, we’ll be powerless to stop Kevin McCarthy from buying and lying his way into another term as Speaker. So we’re calling on 12,500 of our top supporters to step up before midnight and confirm their 2023 Membership to help Democrats make CRITICAL investments in battleground districts, overpower the GOP’s dirty attack ads, and win every last race that will decide the fate of the House. Can we count on your $3 before midnight? It’s time we make House Republicans pay the price for their radical, far-right agenda >>

NAME: [email protected]

Suggested Support: $3

John, we need you to remember how much progress Democrats made when we had the Majority.

We need you to remember how many lives have been helped because of Democrats.

We've come too far and shattered too many expectations to let Republicans hold onto the House and corrupt our democracy.

We know how hard you work for every cent in your pocket. We wouldn't ask if there was any other way to take back our Majority and stop Republicans from regaining full power. Can we count on you to confirm your Membership with $3 to the DCCC? It would mean so much to us >>
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Chip in $1 immediately >>
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Thank you,



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We’re working hard to elect House Democrats -- and put an end to Republicans' obstruction for good. President Biden can't do it all. We need all hands on deck if we’re going to fight back against Republicans and flip the House. Our success relies on grassroots supporters like you. 99% of our contributions come from grassroots donations, with an average gift of $18. If you'd like to unsubscribe from DCCC emails, click here. If you'd like to make an online donation, click here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

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