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Subject Joan Biskupic on “Nine Black Robes”
Date May 6, 2023 12:02 PM
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A conversation with CNN legal analyst and veteran Supreme Court reporter and Joan Biskupic on her new book   What’s New This Week Joan Biskupic on “Nine Black Robes” Run time: 55 minutes Veteran Supreme Court reporter and CNN Legal Analyst Joan Biskupic joins to unpack the landmark decisions from last year's Supreme Court term and discuss her new book, Nine Black Robes: Inside the Supreme Court's Drive to the Right and its Historic Consequences. Listen now The Future of Affirmative Action Run time: 57 minutes With the Supreme Court weighing two cases involving Harvard and the University of North Carolina that could end affirmative action in higher education, scholars William B. Allen and Hasan Kwame Jeffries discuss its future. Watch now We the People and Live at the National Constitution Center are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Learn more   The Latest at Constitution Daily Blog Could Fishing Companies Upset a Boatload of Federal Agencies With Their Supreme Court Challenge? by Marcia Coyle | Read time: 7 minutes “A group of commercial fishing companies soon will have the opportunity to persuade the Supreme Court of the United States to do what big business has failed to achieve for decades: to drive a hole in the federal regulatory apparatus that could affect a broad swath of American lives. ...” Read more The Day the Supreme Court Killed Hollywood’s Studio System by Scott Bomboy | Read time: 5 minutes “May 4 marks the anniversary of an important Supreme Court case that helped to end the Hollywood studio system and fuel a young television industry in the late 1940s. Hollywood’s greatest drama took place over two decades in a fight that featured movie barons, President Franklin Roosevelt, Walt Disney, Charlie Chaplin, and the United States Supreme Court. ...” Read more   More From the National Constitution Center Op-ed: How We Can Repair Our Democracy and Build a More Perfect Union Earlier this week, the Nation’s Report Card issued an assessment of eighth grade knowledge of civics and U.S. history, and the results confirm what we already know: America is facing a civics crisis. The history scores were the lowest since the history test was first administered in 1998, and civics scores dropped for the first time since 1994. President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen shared his thoughts in this video and co-authored this op-ed in TIME with Sal Khan.   Constitutional Text of the Week The Preamble “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” Read interpretations on the Interactive Constitution     Support the Center Your generous support enables the National Constitution Center to thrive as America’s leading platform for nonpartisan constitutional education and civil dialogue. SUPPORT Connect with us Update your email preferences by clicking the Update Profile link below to subscribe to other National Constitution Center newsletters and manage how often you hear from us.   National Constitution Center | Independence Mall, 525 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19106 Unsubscribe Update Profile | Our Privacy Policy | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by in collaboration with Try email marketing for free today!
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