Dear John,

I've waited a long, long time to personally write you with these words: “At last!  At last!” 

That day has finally come!  

The Virginia House and Senate have taken the final step in ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

This makes Virginia the 38th and final state necessary to ratify the ERA and to make it a part of the U.S. Constitution.

You have worked so hard, been so patient, persistent and generous in support of the ERA and the Feminist Majority that I simply had to send this message to you. I want to let you know where things stand and outline next steps we must take to make sure the ERA is finally placed in the U.S. Constitution.

So, first of all: Thank you! Thank you for not losing faith! Thank you for sticking with the fight! And thank you in advance for helping to finish the fight!

Like you, I always knew this day would come. It has never been a question of if, but only a question of when the ERA would be ratified by 38 states. But the fight to make the ERA a part of the U.S. Constitution is still not over.

Make no mistake. The days of taking advantage of women and their families—our mothers, our daughters, sisters and granddaughters—is coming to an end. But, it won’t happen easily.

Now more than ever we have to gear up for the final fight. 

You see, in 1972 Congress added a timeline to the preamble of the ERA – but not to the actual text of the Amendment that 38 states have now voted to ratify. This means – according to some of the most respected constitutional law scholars in the country – that the timeline is not binding.


So, the fight now moves to the courts and to Congress to ensure the arbitrary timeline that was set by Congress does not become an excuse to block the amendment.


Here at the Feminist Majority we’ve been preparing for months to defend against attempts by the right wing to block the ERA


 And at this critical moment in history, we need you more than ever to help finish the fight.


I know I can count on you.


Specifically, I’m asking you and others in this special group of the most committed ERA and Feminist Majority supporters to make a special donation help us finish the fight and get the ERA in the U.S. Constitution.

Quite frankly, the battles ahead will be difficult.  But, here’s why with your help and support we will prevail.

The ERA has now become a major force in American politics. Virginia, Illinois, and Nevada have entered federal court to make sure their state ratifications are recognized.

Meanwhile, Feminist Majority and our allies will urge Congress to remove the timeline. We will also work to make sure we continue to win even more states to ratify the federal ERA and to also win ratification of state ERAs to state Constitutions.

The resolution to remove the arbitrary timeline has been approved by the House Judiciary Committee and placed on the House calendar for a vote. We will also urge the Senate to vote to remove the arbitrary timeline.  If need be, we will go one step further. We will target key U.S. Senate campaigns to make certain that in 2020 we elect a majority of pro-ERA Senators who will remove the timeline.

In short, we’re taking no chances. We are intent on finally getting the job done of winning full equality in this country.

In the weeks ahead I’ll be sharing more exciting details with you.  But, for now I hope I can count on your support to help make sure we’re as fully prepared as possible.

You and I have fought so long for the ERA and I’m so glad and proud we now have the opportunity to finish this battle and make history together.

We can do it!

For equality,

Ellie Smeal


Feminist Majority

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