You let out a big yawn and reach out to stretch. You’re hungry and exhausted after giving birth and hibernating in your den. As a mama bear, your instinct tells you that spring has arrived, and it’s now time to forage for food to nourish your newborn cubs. 

As you slowly emerge and make your way through the woods, you think you hear a ruffling of branches. Maybe it was nothing. You carry along your way because you know your babies are going to be restless and hungry. You suddenly hear a noise even closer to where it was before, and this time you’re SURE there is movement.

You scurry and head back to the den -- but before you can make it, you feel a piercing sensation in your leg that knocks you over. Then another that hits your back and a final one that hits your neck. They are bullets, and you have been shot by cruel trophy hunters. You cry out in agony, thinking only of your defenseless cubs as you see your own blood pool around you and take your last breath. 

Now orphaned and too weak to fend for themselves, your innocent bear cubs will likely die of hypothermia or starvation -- if one of the cruel trophy hunters who has just murdered you does not make it to them first. 

If this story upsets you, then you are not alone. But the sad reality is that grizzly bears across the country are suffering this exact same tragic fate. The difference is that you are not a bear, and you have the power to STOP ruthless trophy hunters from brutally slaughtering helpless grizzlies. Take action NOW to save innocent grizzly bears from trophy hunters! >> 

You might think the story above is dramatic, Friend, but trophy hunters show NO MERCY when it comes to getting their kill, and they will indiscriminately massacre mama bears and even harmless bear cubs. 

These sick and vicious bear hunts are LEGALLY allowed in several states, and the grizzly population is dwindling rapidly. The only chance these beloved animals have is if the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service steps up -- but it won’t act unless we show strong public support. That’s why we urgently need 6,702 more signatures by 11:59 P.M. tonight to persuade the agency to ACT NOW. Will you speak up in defense of voiceless grizzly bears before it’s too late? 

Thank you for protecting bears, 
Friends of the Earth
