Isn’t it crazy how fast time flies?

With kids, work, keeping active, staying social, and a little bit of travel here and there…

I can barely keep track of the days.

And that’s a big reason why I try my best to make health a daily priority.

Otherwise, a month, two months or even a year can go by without making progress.

But despite being the Food Babe, and co-founding Truvani…

I wasn’t always taking my daily health seriously.

You see, before I became the Food Babe, I worked in a high-stress, corporate environment. I rushed around all day, giving no thought to the food I was putting in my body. And this went on for years!

Eventually, these bad habits caught up to me. And it took a serious medical scare to finally strip my bad-food blinders away.

It may sound strange to say, but I’m happy that it happened. If it weren’t for the scare… I might have kept eating that toxic crap A LOT longer.

So, yes, I started eating better, but I also began researching the ingredients in food and I discovered how DISGUSTING these processed “fast” foods are.

And all this research eventually led me to become a food activist.

Because the more I learned…

The more determined I became to share the truth.

I chose to push for change, raise awareness and ultimately co-found the kind of food company I so desperately wanted to see during my health journey.

And I have all that crappy fast food to thank.

So, whether you’re just beginning, in the middle, or well into your health journey…

I wanted to do something special for you this February:

It’s an event we’ve only held once before at Truvani ...

But people couldn’t get enough of it!

So, for the month that celebrates love itself…

We thought it’s a perfect time to show you some love with an amazing deal on the high-quality ingredients your body loves too.

Click here to feel the love



P.S. Don’t forget: It’s not about buying more, it’s about buying better!

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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