May 5, 2023
Dear John,
For more than four decades the pro-life movement worked hard to overturn the wrongly decided Roe v. Wade. We marched in state capitals and here in Washington, D.C. We organized activists to pressure legislators. We elected representatives to advance the cause of life, and so much more. So, when the Supreme Court finally handed down its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson, we thanked the Lord for an amazing opportunity to restore a culture of life. We must realize our work is not done, in fact, it is just beginning. The Dobbs decision didn't eliminate abortion, it took the issue out of the hands of judges and put it in the hands of the people through their elected leaders.
Unfortunately, some Republicans in Washington are saying this is an issue solely for the states and they are now second-guessing the importance of the pro-life movement. They want to blame the GOP's underperformance in the midterms on the party's long-held support for unborn children.
These people fail to understand just what's at stake. Life is not just a winning issue because protecting the unborn is the right thing to do, life is a winning issue because overwhelming majorities of Americans support some level of common-sense restrictions on abortion and reject the Left's radical position of abortion for any reason up until the moment of birth at taxpayers' expense.
Thankfully, this is something Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel understands.
RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel recently spoke at the Reagan Library about the importance of protecting unborn children. McDaniel pointed out that polling confirms what pro-lifers know to be true: Americans support basic protections for unborn children. Appearing with me on Washington Watch, she again defended the party's support for the unborn common-sense legislation to prohibit abortion when an unborn child can feel pain in the womb. She encouraged Republican candidates to speak up on this issue and knows Americans don't want what the Democrats offer, which is for America's abortion policy to mirror the likes of North Korea and China.
McDaniel knows that we can't ignore or retreat on the issue of life. Will you take a moment today to sign the petition in support of RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel's pro-life leadership?
As our nation's attention begins turning to the 2024 election season, we need leaders like Ronna McDaniel who embrace the pro-life movement and know protecting the unborn is not just the right thing to do but is a winner at the ballot box.
Standing (Eph. 6:13),
 Tony Perkins President
Please take a moment to read and sign our petition in support of Ronna McDaniel's pro-life leadership and share it with two friends.
Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel:
We, the undersigned, applaud your strong pro-life leadership at this moment in our nation's history. The Republican Party and its platform have long stood against the horror of abortion in our nation. After the Supreme Court handed down its decision in Dobbs vs. Jackson, some are now second-guessing the party's long-held support for protecting unborn children, but not you.
You understand that protecting unborn life is the right thing to do, and that failing to talk about the importance of protecting life means allowing pro-abortion candidates to fill the void. We cannot allow the purveyors of abortion to advance their agenda of taking the lives of unborn children, for any reason, up until the moment of birth at taxpayers' expense. We are grateful for your bold, pro-life leadership.
Sign the Petition!