Alexandria is the youngest woman in U.S. history to be elected to Congress. She was a waitress. She is Latina. She comes from a low-income background and is one of just a few working-class people elected to Congress.
That makes a lot of classist, ageist, misogynist, and racist people mad.
But together with your support, we’ve built a movement fighting for transformative change — from Medicare for All to democratizing fundraising power in politics.
If you’d like to help support our movement, could you donate $3 or anything you can afford right now to help make sure we have the resources to continue to grow this movement for progress?
Contribute $3
AOC and our movement are often labeled “extreme.” Here’s what they think makes us extreme:
- AOC believes in Medicare for All, aka guaranteed healthcare in the United States.
- AOC operates independently from either party’s establishment. So she is willing to challenge Democratic Party leadership and, when necessary, break from the party line.
- Our movement does not believe in late-stage capitalism or that prioritizing the extreme pursuit of profit at any and all human/environmental costs will save us. AOC believes in cooperative economics and cooperative democracy, aka democratic socialism.
This campaign is funded by grassroots, small-dollar donations and she accepts $0 in corporate money (the average donation to this campaign is around $16).
If you believe in fighting for a brighter future for all, please contribute $3 today.
Thank you so much for your support,
Team AOC