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Gicola Lane, an organizer for CLC's Restore Your Vote campaign, explains Tennessee's voting rights restoration laws to a woman in Tennessee

Rights Restoration and the Criminalization of Voting

Date: Monday, May 8, 2023
Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern/10:00 a.m. Pacific

Over 5 million Americans are currently silenced in our democracy because of a past felony conviction. Felony disenfranchisement laws proliferated in the United States during the post-Reconstruction period as part of an intentional scheme to strip Black Americans of their freedom to vote. Today, these laws continue to disproportionately impact Black and brown voters.  

The rights restoration process is confusing, varies by state and is often burdensome. Beyond the 5 million Americans who cannot vote because of a past felony conviction, there are as many as 19 million Americans with felony convictions who can vote, but may not know it, because of rampant misinformation and poor administration.  


Campaign Legal Center has created a free, easy-to-use tool—Restore Your Vote—that has helped hundreds of thousands of Americans with past felony convictions understand their eligibility to vote. 


Rights restoration continues to make headlines, and as we ramp up to the 2024 presidential election it is crucial to continue working to make our democracy more equitable and inclusive.   

Monday, May 8th at 1:00 PM Eastern, join Campaign Legal Center for a virtual event to discuss the recent prosecutions of people with felony convictions for good faith mistakes about eligibility to vote and examine the impact of felony disenfranchisement laws more broadly.  

During the event, panelists will explore the nationwide impact of felony disenfranchisement and how the recent prosecutions of people with felony convictions attempting to register to vote or cast a ballot harm our democracy. Panelists will also discuss the potential solutions at hand, including some that have already passed state legislatures.

Moderated by Reporter Sam Levine of The Guardian, the panel includes Blair Bowie, CLC’s Director of the Restore Your Vote project, alongside Ramon de la Cabada of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NADCL) and Dawn Harrington of Free Hearts and the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls.
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The nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center is dedicated to advancing democracy through law at the federal, state and local levels, fighting for every American’s rights to responsive government and a fair opportunity to participate in and affect the democratic process. 

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