
You may recall from a few years ago during a major outbreak of the Ebola virus that volunteer doctors and nurses from the United States traveled to Africa and treated the growing number of dying patients. There was a newly discovered treatment called ZMapp in the earliest stages of testing in the U.S. But following its official rules, the Food and Drug Administration refused to allow ZMapp to be offered to anyone yet.

Well, two of the volunteer doctors became infected with Ebola. Media reports at the time revealed the FDA allowed these doctors to receive ZMapp on a very fast timeline that looked nothing like the FDA’s normal approval process. It was the right decision, as the treatment saved the lives of both doctors.

But the FDA is well known for the strictest application of its rules, even when lives are at stake. So how did the FDA decide to make such a rare exception in this case, and how can other sick and dying Americans also get quick access to investigational drugs? In light of what is happening in China with the coronavirus outbreak, don’t we all deserve to know how life-saving drugs are made available during an emergency?

The Goldwater Institute believes so. When the FDA refused to release public records about the emergency use of ZMapp, we sued under the federal Freedom of Information Act.

This Friday, February 7, we will make our case to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals during a special hearing in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. The public is invited to attend the hearing in person or watch live online. Details are available below.

You can read more about the case, Goldwater Institute v. HHS, by clicking here. If you will be in Phoenix on Friday, I hope you can join us for this important argument about protecting your right to know.

Event Details

What: Oral arguments before the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
Case: Goldwater Institute vs. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Goldwater Institute Representative: Jon Riches, National Litigation Director & General Counsel
When: Friday, February 7, 9:30 a.m. Arizona time (11:30 a.m. Eastern time)
Where: ASU Beus Center for Law & Society, Armstrong Great Hall,
111 E. Taylor St., Phoenix, AZ 85021
Watch Live: https://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/media/live_oral_arguments.php
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