I’ll be honest: I’ve been trying to send you an email about Clarence Thomas all week.

I’ll be honest: I’ve been trying to send you an email about Clarence Thomas all week. 


But every time I was about to hit send, a new story broke revealing yet another instance of undeniable corruption.


We didn't know it at the time, but there was perhaps no better week for us to launch our new website, CrookedClarence.com. It's a detailed timeline cataloging twenty years of Thomas’ corruption — check it out here!


Less than a month has passed since ProPublica published its first bombshell story exposing Clarence Thomas’ two-decade-long financial relationship with right-wing billionaire megadonor Harlan Crow, and the many gifts Crow has lavished upon Thomas and his wife Ginni throughout Thomas’ tenure on the Supreme Court.


Little did we know, that story was just the beginning. In the weeks since, report after report has brought to light new details on just how deep the rabbit hole of misconduct goes. Let’s review just some of the top hits:

And another damning revelation came to light just last night.


In one of the most egregious Thomas family conflicts of interest yet, it turns out right-wing judicial activist Leonard Leo — best known for his campaign to steal our court system for the conservatives — arranged to give Ginni Thomas tens of thousands of dollars in a hidden deal brokered by Kellyanne Conway.


Ginni Thomas’s consulting firm, Liberty Consulting, is alleged to have received at least $25,000 from fees billed to a non-profit Leo directed Conway to charge. According to The Washington Post, Leo told Conway the paperwork should make “No mention of Ginni, of course.”


If it looks like corruption and smells like corruption… It's pretty obviously corrupt. And Congress should investigate.


The Supreme Court shouldn’t be operating on a scandal-a-day schedule. If Justice Thomas hasn’t followed the rules for the last twenty years, why would he start now?


It’s clear at this point that we cannot expect the Court to hold Thomas accountable for his behavior. So it’s up to Congress to make it clear that unethical actions have consequences, and that sitting on the Supreme Court doesn’t make you above the law. And if congressional Republicans want to block accountability for such blatant corruption, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee should force them to do so on the record.


If you’re as concerned as we are about Thomas torpedoing the Court’s integrity with his endless barrage of scandals, will you forward this email to three friends?


We’re not going to stop shining a spotlight on Thomas’ misconduct — and we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop on all the latest developments so you can stay informed.

Thank you for helping spread the word. The louder we get, the more our leaders in Congress will have to listen.


Sarah Lipton-Lubet
Take Back the Court Action Fund