Elect Katie Hobbs

We’re back with another edition of Hear It From Hobbs, our newsletter with the latest headlines about Governor Hobbs and her administration’s work. Were you forwarded this email by a friend? Sign up to continue receiving our biweekly newsletter here!
We hope you’ll take a few minutes to read these updates, but if you’re short on time, you can show your support for the Governor by pitching in now:

Fox 10: Gov. Hobbs dedicates $50M to Arizona road repairs

Repairing our roads is incredibly important to ensuring Arizonans across the state have reliable, safe ways to travel. That’s why Katie is investing $50 million into fixing roads, including Interstates 10 and 17, to improve Arizona’s transportation infrastructure.

AZ Republic: After fierce debate in Legislature, Ariz. Gov. Katie Hobbs OKs Schools for Deaf and Blind extension

The fact that the continuation of these schools was even up for debate in the state legislature shows a lack of respect for ASDB parents and students. Thankfully, Katie signed a bill extending funding for the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind for another four years – and she’s calling on the state legislature to fund the schools for the originally intended eight years next session.

Investing in the future: Creating pathways of success for Arizonans

A tweet from Katie Hobbs saying 'With Arizona's high tech industries thriving, it's our job to ensure Arizonans have the skills and training to succeed in these jobs. I’m proud to join governors at @SelectUSA to discuss Arizona's work to create pathways of success for all our students and learners.'

13 News: Governor Katie Hobbs announces first-of-its-kind Cross-Border Electric Truck Pilot Program

Car emissions account for a large portion of pollution on our planet. The best way to combat this is by electrifying our automobiles, and Katie is doing exactly that with this new first-of-its-kind EV truck program.

KTAR: Arizona announces launch of cross-border truck pilot program with Mexico

Thanks to the new program Katie announced in partnership with Mexico, thousands of supply chain trucks, which currently are diesel-powered, are going to be powered by electricity. By converting from gas to electricity, this program will help reduce emissions, protect our environment, and create clean energy jobs for Arizona.

The State Press: Hobbs Gives Opening Remarks at PHX Startup Week, Encourages Entrepreneurship and Equity

Katie spoke about Arizona’s bustling entrepreneurial economy and the investments Arizona is making to become a top state for technology development in front of local business leaders at PHX Startup Week, an event dedicated to Arizona business owners and entrepreneurs.


Brittney Griner and the Phoenix Mercury: Inspiring us all

A tweet from Katie saying 'What an incredible honor to join @BrittneyGriner, @PhoenixMercury, and @BOFHcampaign this morning for the unveiling of a new mural outside the Footprint Center. BG's resilience is an inspiration, and I look forward to supporting her and the rest of the team this season.'

ASU News: Gov. Katie Hobbs joins ASU for Earth Day celebration

Katie joined students and faculty at Arizona State University for an exciting Earth Day showcase of how ASU is shaping our state’s green future. From discussing our water future to building a sustainable future, there are so many ways we can come together to protect our planet and preserve Arizona’s beautiful landscapes.


Diversifying our judicial system: Pinal County has two new judges

A tweet from Katie saying 'Pinal County has two new judges! I was proud to appoint two strong, accomplished women to Arizona's bench. They each have impressive professional qualifications and an inspiring history of initiative, leadership, and service to their communities.'

As always, thank you for taking the time to read these updates. Forward this email to a friend to help spread the word! We’ll be in touch soon with more of the latest news.

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our new #AZforEveryone and Juntos merch — click here to shop, and show your support for Katie and a brighter, more inclusive Arizona:

A gif showing tote bags, shirts, stickers, and more from the Katie Hobbs store.



Team Hobbs