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Sign Our Petition

Dear John,

Time is running out …

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen just warned on Monday that the U.S. could breach the debt limit as early as June 1, if Congress does not pass legislation to raise the debt ceiling. A U.S. government default would devastate the global economy and it would hit seniors especially hard because it could jeopardize the payments of Social Security and Medicare benefits!

Last week, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy managed to narrowly pass a debt ceiling bill along party lines that would hobble many federal services that seniors rely on. In exchange for staving off a devastating government default, this bill makes deep spending cuts in the day-to-day operation of the federal government, except programs that affect the military and veterans. The cuts amount to an estimated 23% reduction in funding for federal services, including the Social Security Administration, that seniors rely on.

While the bill is dead on arrival in the Senate, it signifies that the extremist wing of the Republican Party is willing to hold the well-being of our economy hostage to their outrageous demands for draconian cuts.

With so much on the line, please join with other seniors from your area by SIGNING OUR URGENT PETITION TO CONGRESS TODAY! Help us put pressure on every member of Congress to reject Speaker McCarthy’s callous and reckless bill and avert financial disaster by lifting the debt ceiling without draconian cuts!

The fact is, Congress listens to us because they listen to you. So please add your name right now to our urgent Petition to Congress.



Max Richtman
President & CEO

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