Dark Money Won.
We Need to Fight Back.

I have some bad news I need to share with you.

Yesterday, the Missouri Supreme Court rejected my challenge to dark money in Missouri.

Since 2017, I've been investigating dark money corruption in our state. When our government dropped its investigation into these hidden political donations and how they bought our governor's office, I stood up and took the most notorious Missouri dark money group to court. The organization I sued was the one that led to Eric Greitens' resignation as governor. He quit to keep the names of his donors hidden from the public.

Unfortunately, when I stood up, our government did not stand with me. It opposed me every step of the way.

In October 2018, I found myself in a Cole County courtroom arguing against the former Missouri Speaker of the House, Catherine Hanaway. She was hired by the dark money organization. I explained why the People have a right to see records of nonprofit organizations trying to buy our government. I even tracked down the legislators who wrote the law years ago, and they agreed with me: The public has a right to see these records.

In that courtroom, Ms. Hanaway argued that the public had no right to see any records of nonprofit organizations, not even the records of secretive organizations that try to buy elections.

She said that the Attorney General was the only person who could do anything.

I disagreed. I stood back up and argued for public transparency again.

And, in that courtroom, hearing the arguments enter into the record of Missouri caselaw, I knew it was time to run for Attorney General.

I had to take the case all the way to the Missouri Supreme Court, on my own time, with my own credit card. Unfortunately, We the People lost.

We don't have transparency. We don't have accountability. We don't have an Attorney General who does the job we need him to do.

My related Sunshine Law case is ongoing, and that one will have huge implications on freedom of the press in our state.

I'll never stop fighting for Missouri. This fight is too important. When our government is bought, it doesn't serve any of us, regardless of party or ideology. It skews the votes of our elected representatives who feel the pressure from big money donors when their consciences tell them to vote otherwise. It prohibits our government from focusing on our neighborhoods most in need in favor of the neighborhoods that already have the most. It leaves so many of our families wondering if the next emergency will be the one that bankrupts us when the medical bills come. It favors wealth over humanity.

Our Republic is corrupted. We the People need to take it back. And that's why we need to win this Attorney General's race, because then we'll finally have someone in our corner who will never back down, who will take on the national network of corruption, and who will ensure that each one of us is in this fight too.

If you haven't already, please consider signing and sharing the petition to end dark money in Missouri.


And if you want to do even more, tell me you're in. You can reply to this email. We must get to work. Right now.

Let's take back our country.

Sign and Share the Petition to End Dark Money
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Paid for by Elad Gross For Missouri
Alicia Smith, Treasurer

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