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For More Information:
Paul Merrill, Public Information Officer - 207-624-3355 or 207-215-9297

05/05/2023 10:04 AM EDT

FALMOUTH - As part of the ongoing work to replace the bridge that carries Bucknam Road over I-295 in Falmouth, the Maine Department of Transportation will be intermittently closing I-295 at Exit 10 on four separate nights next week. Each closure will last no longer than 25 minutes. These closures will occur between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. These closures are required to accommodate the installation of structural steel bridge girders. Maine State Police will assist MaineDOT. The department will also be using message boards to alert drivers of the closure. During the closures, northbound interstate traffic will use Exit 9, and southbound interstate traffic will use Exit 10. Additionally, the Bucknam Road Bridge will be closed between the northbound and southbound exit ramp intersections during the overnight hours (between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.) on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights.

This is part of an ongoing project to replace the bridges that carry Bucknam Road and Johnson Road over I-295 in Falmouth. The work on Bucknam Road began last year and will continue into 2024. On-site work on Johnson Road is expected to begin in late 2024. The estimated completion date for both bridge replacement projects is December 12th, 2025.

The contractor on this project is Wyman & Simpson, Inc. of Richmond. The contract amount is $19,574,460.

We appreciate the public's continued patience regarding these interstate closures.

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