Apply to Arena Academy 201 to join a community of practitioners and learn to run strategic programs that are rooted in values.

Hey there,


The application for the July Arena Academy 201 Online is now open!


Apply to Arena Academy 201 to level up your people and program management skills.


We just wrapped the first Arena Academy of the year, and it was a blast! Together we danced to a fab playlist, talked memes as often as possible, and did the serious work of sharpening the skills we’ll use to defend our democracy. I can’t wait to see what the people from this incredible cohort go on to do!


One focus of all our trainings is how all staffers, from campaign managers to organizers, can help create campaigns rooted in values. Building a strong movement requires us to treat people well and run campaigns that embody the future we want to see. 


At Arena, we want to equip you with the skills to build strategic campaigns that win today and lay the groundwork to win tomorrow. Together we can strengthen our movement by pushing campaign work to be more sustainable, accessible, and equitable for staff.


An essential step to changing how campaigns work is understanding your campaign or organizational values and making plans to put them into practice. At Arena Academy 201 Online, we will create space for you to reflect on your values and leadership strengths while training you to run strategic programs.


Apply to Arena Academy 201 to join a community of practitioners and learn to run effective, strategic programs that are rooted in values.

Apply to Arena Academy 201

If Arena Academy 201 isn’t for you, please ask a friend or two to apply. You can spread the word on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Or just forward this email. 


See you there!


Jess Weldon

Arena Training Director

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