Green wins are already coming in.



With the first of the results in, we're excited to announce that Greens are already winning at this year's local elections!

Throughout this campaign local communities consistently raised the issues of housing, cost-of-living, failing public services and the state of our rivers. The results so far are showing that people have voted for Green councillors who have positive and practical solutions to offer.

We have worked hard and are making big gains - last year we won more new seats than Labour in England and achieved the highest percentage increase in seats of any party in England and Wales. There has never been a better time to become a member. Join today

Green wins so far:

💚 In South Tyneside

3 seats gained! We have cemented our opposition status to 9 seats - gains in a very traditional Labour heartland and one from Conservatives


💚In Worcester

Gained 4 seats and held 1!

Some pre-elections media predicted Worcester potentially being Labour taking control of the Council from No Overall Control, however this has not happened with Greens gaining from both parties including a Young Green taking the seat from Conservative's Council Leader.


💚In Exeter

We hold 2 seats and have gained 1!

We're now officially the opposition there.


💚 In East Hertfordshire

10 seats gained from Conservatives so far! The results are still coming from here but some very exciting results already!

We will keep you informed of all the results as they come in throughout the day. Stay tuned!

Thank you.


The Green Party