
Campaigns for the 2024 election (and now the 2023 special elections in the City of Chula Vista as well as Supervisor District 4) are looking for YOU to be involved! Listed below are some upcoming events that you can be involved in to ensure Republican values remain in San Diego.

May 18, 2023 - Support the re-election of Laurie Davies to the 74th Assembly District! Make sure to RSVP.

May 24, 2023 - Support Kristie Bruce-Lane in her campaign for the 76th Assembly District!

June 3, 2023 - Our annual Lincoln Reagan dinner is almost sold out! We still have a few Gold & Platinum sponsorships and a handful of individual tickets left. Make sure to reserve your seat, as it is the do-not-miss event of the year! Go to https://www.sandiegorepublicans.org/lincoln-reagan-dinner to purchase your tickets!

June 5, 2023 - Eric Metaxas of the nationally syndicated Eric Metaxas Radio Show will be in San Diego with local radio host Mike Slater, discussing the importance of being civically engaged. An advocate for Religous Freedom, Metaxas has been featured as a cultural commentator on CNNMSNBC, and the Fox News Channel; and has discussed his own books on The History ChannelC-SPANGlenn BeckHuckabee, and RedEye. He has been featured on many radio programs, including NPR’s Morning Edition, and Talk of the Nation, as well as Hugh HewittDennis PragerBill Bennett, and The Alan Colmes Show.
Make sure to RSVP for this FREE event via the QR code.

June 13, 2023 - Support Kristie Bruce Lane in her campaign for the 76th Assembly District in Rancho Santa Fe! Make sure to RSVP.

June 15, 2023 - Support Bill Wells in his campaign for the 51st Congressional District! Make sure to RSVP.

June 22, 2023 - Wow! Kristie Bruce-Lane is proving herself a formidable opponent in this election for the 76th Assembly District. Support Kristie in her campaign, hosted at the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield, CA. Make sure to RSVP.
Check Out These Great Events!
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