After Trump’s State of the Union last night, his supporters will
call him presidential — but we know that’s a lie, just like so much of
his dangerous speech.
As Jews and allies, we will never normalize his presidency. We know
he’s responsible for so much of the pain and terror our communities
have faced since his election.
And today, despite his bigotry and clear abuse of power, Trump’s
enablers in Congress — led by Mitch McConnell — will vote to acquit
But we’re ready to respond. Tonight, hundreds of thousands of
Americans will mobilize with one simple demand: Reject The
you join an emergency #RejectTheCoverup rally near you at 5:30pm local
time today?
Today’s rallies are organized by a broad coalition of progressive
partners, including Common Cause, Public Citizen, Indivisible, By the
People, Sierra Club, CPD Action, and more.
We know that millions of Americans are outraged by the Senate’s
sham impeachment trial. We know that millions of us reject this
lawless president and his hateful policies.
It’s time to make our voices heard. Check
out the map and find an event near you right now:

The Senate will almost certainly vote to acquit Trump — a clear
betrayal of the Constitution and our democracy.
We know what’s at stake when bigoted, authoritarian leaders
abuse their power and face no consequences. We’ve seen it
repeatedly over the past three years: cruel, immoral attacks on the
lives and liberties of so many of our communities.
That’s why it’s on us to mobilize, show up in the streets, and hold
every member of Congress who votes to cover up Trump’s abuses
make sure that this devastating moment is met with an unprecedented
level of organizing and action. Join thousands of us today at 5:30pm
local time to protect our democracy.
See you in the streets,
The Bend the Arc team