Lawmakers should make it easier for college students to vote, not more difficult. 

Across the country, families are celebrating the accomplishments of students this graduation season.

At the same time, this joyous occasion is following a rise in anti-democratic attempts to target and suppress young voters. These attempts include tightening voting laws in districts with college campuses, banning student IDs as a form of voter identification, and eliminating polling places on college campuses.

This is no coincidence; young people turned out in record numbers in the midterm elections and will continue to show up in force in elections to come.

It’s clear: Young voters are more civically engaged than ever before, and that’s why extremists want to make it harder for students and young people to vote.

That’s why Fair Fight Action is working hard to mobilize young voters by educating them about the voting process, rallying them around civic engagement, and deepening engagement amongst those who are often overlooked between elections.

This work to protect free and fair elections will help ensure young people are able to truly participate in our democracy. So today, we’re asking you to take this important advocacy action if you agree that lawmakers should be making it easier for college students to vote —  not more difficult. If you agree, please sign your name right away to show your solidarity with young voters >>


Thanks for taking action, 

Lila Zucker
Deputy Organizing Director
Fair Fight Action