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It's a tough morning. The Iowa caucuses were a mess, the State of the Union coverage is everywhere, and it's all but certain that the GOP-controlled Senate will vote to acquit Donald Trump today.

Never mind that Trump has abused his presidential powers, obstructed Congress, and trampled on our democracy -- Republicans in the Senate have made it clear that they're standing behind this lawless, corrupt president.

In confusing moments like these, the thing that has always helped me is to find one simple thing I can do to fight back, to reclaim my power.

Tonight, progressives across the country are taking to the streets to make it clear to the Senate and the White House that this trial was a miscarriage of justice and Donald Trump is far from exonerated. Will you join us?


Trump can brag all he wants that this acquittal vote will be a total exoneration. But it couldn't be further from the truth.

Let's set the record straight: Trump is guilty. Senate Majority Leader's Mitch McConnell's wheeling and dealing to rig the impeachment process can't change that.

Let's put our anger and frustration to work. Click here to RSVP for a rally tonight around 5:30 p.m. local time.

When our voices aren't heard in Congress, then it's time to take to the streets in numbers too large for Washington to ignore. No matter how the votes break down, we know the truth.

So I'll see you at the rally tonight, shoulder to shoulder with other indignant Americans, taking a stand for our democracy.

In solidarity, always.

Maggie Moore
Senior Strategist, Stand Up America

P.S. Already coming? Check out our page with resources on how to prepare for the rally to find helpful tips, tricks and free graphics to share on social media.






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