
Never forget that allowing millions upon millions of illegal immigrants, including hard core criminals, into our country was done entirely on purpose by Biden.

Now, with Title 42 set to expire this month, Border Patrol leaders are telling us we are facing a tsunami of mass illegal immigration which will absolutely overwhelm our border, cities, and communities. We are facing a Biden-made disaster for our nation!

Next week, House Republicans will bring to a vote major policy changes and mandates about how our border MUST BE SECURE, our Border Patrol MUST BE ALLOWED to deport those who come here illegally, and those claiming asylum (most of which is fraudulent) must do so FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY.

These are COMMON SENSE policies to protect our country during this time of massive fentanyl poisonings, increased violent crime, and Mexican Drug Cartels controlling the Southern Border. 

We are keeping our promise to the American people that Republicans will continue to offer solutions to protect our country, keep our families safe, and ensure policies out of Washington put our nation’s interests FIRST! But we need your help to promote this important Border Security Solution!

Can you help spread this important message today by making a generous contribution to help stop Biden’s Illegal Immigration Tsunami? >>


Standing up for strong borders,

Beth Van Duyne